
About DRIP

The Dam removal information portal is a place to explore trends in dam removals and associated scientific studies. Users can explore empirically based physical, biological and water quality studies based on types of study metrics, geography, or size of the dam. Results can be downloaded based on customized search criteria specified by the user. The database will be updated annually so that DRIP contains the most up to date science about dam removal outcomes. We appreciate any feedback, reporting of issues, and communication of missing removals, publications and critical functionality to help us keep DRIP relevant.

Additional information and contacts:

Source data supporting the DRIP application: * USGS Dam Removal Science Database , * American Rivers Dam Removal Database

Data pipeline and web services supporting the DRIP application: * PyDrip (data pipeline), * The DRIP API

Contact Information: Daniel Wieferich (USGS, dwieferich@usgs.gov), Jeff Duda (USGS, jduda@usgs.gov), Jessie Thomas-Blate (American Rivers, jthomas@americanrivers.org)

Preferred Citation: Wieferich, D.J., Duda, J., Wright, J., Uribe, R., Beard J. 2021. drip-dashboard Version 2.3.2. U.S. Geological Survey software release. https://doi.org/10.5066/P9UNIWKF.